The COwner class has only 3 variable to track, and a couple of named constants. One variable res holds the colour for the pieces it manages, an integer array loc (with named constant NUM_PIECES) to store the location on the board, and a variable tagP indicating which side the object is on (using COwner's enumerated Player type).
A couple of in-line functions to get the CBoard and CStone instance are useful. The only in-line function that could be added is one setting the COwner object's colour. Just remember to check that the object has actually been set-up by looking for a proper value in tagP. (No need to colour an un-assigned COwner object.)
Aside from the drawing function, the only thing that needs adding is the set-up function for initalization and the reset function for new games.
The COwner constructor just initializes the class's variables to what are essentially don't-care / error values that will be corrected when the COwner objects are properly initialized. In this case, res and tagP are set to RGB(255,0,0) and COwner::playN, while all elements in loc are set to CBoard::OFF_BOARD.
All the destructor needs to do is to Release any CBoard and CStone instances.
The bare-bones void COwner::setUp(const COwner::Player& tag) just sets the COwner object's tagP variable (only if tag is COwner::playC or COwner::playU) and then calls the reSet() function.
The void COwner::reSet(void) initialization function does have a Pre-condition that the only tagP values are COwner::playC or COwner::playU. Aside from that, the loc array is now initalized for each side. As long as all pieces from the same side are adjoining, placement does not matter. In my program I initialized the User and Computer arrays so that the User had the two places on the left and the two places on the top of the playing field. (From all the examples that I have seen.) The center playing location remains empty.
For drawing;
void COwner::Draw(CDC* pDC) |
PreConditions: That pDC is not-NULL. That the COwner object's tagP equals COwner::playC or COwner::playU. That there is a valid (not-NULL) CBoard instance. That there is a valid (not-NULL) CStone instance. |
For each location in loc, { Get the board location's CRect. DEBUG: Is the CRect not-empty (0,0,0,0)? If the returned CRect is empty, skip this location. Draw the CStone instance with the returned CRect and the COwner's res colour. } |
Step 10.
All that needs to be done to display the playing pieces is to;
A - Create private COwner objects in CGame for the Computer and the User.
B - Use the setUp() function for each object with the proper COwner::Player value for each.
C - Create an in-line function for CGame to set the colours for the COwner objects. My program set the colours for both COwner objects at the same time. You can try a different approach if you wish.
D - The CGame setColours() is called in the Document's constructor for the initial colour. The function is also called in each of the 'Change Colour' menu item actions.
E - Each COwner object is drawn after the CBoard instance in the CGame's drawing function.
F - (Optional.) A reset funtion can also be added to the CGame at this time, calling each of the COwner objects. This reset function is used in the Document's OnNewDocument(0 function.
Try running the program. The playing pieces should be of the colour that were specified, e.g. they should match the colours displayed in the CInfoDisplay legend. Also the pieces should be in the playing location that were programming in to the COwner reSet() function.
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