
Mu Torere, the AI!

Now we are cooking with gas! The only thing is that this will not be that elaborate, and for that matter the AI will not much more that an Random Number Generator in order to check the rest of hte system. But here goes.

First a few functions are needed to establish the ground work, specifically copy contructors and the like.
While 'friend' classes and functions could have been used, adding a CGame object or pointer directly to the CMoveGenerator allows for the contruction of building hypothetical moves, e.g. 'What Computer moves are availible if the User moved this way?' (And yeah, I do hear the eye-balls rolling at this point.)

So, for the COwner and CGame class the copy constructor looks like;
The Copy Constructor
CXxxxx::CXxxxx(const CXxxxx& obj)
: Copy initialization list
For each element in array, copy obj.array[element]

The '=' operator function works as follows;
The Equal Operator
const CXxxxx& CXxxxx::operator =(const CXxxxx &obj)
If this is NOT equal the address of obj (&obj)then
Copy obj's data members.

For each element in array, copy obj.array[element]

In anycase, return the object reffered to by this. (*this)
I really recommend reading a good book on C++ to find out WHY operator=() is declared in this manner.

And finally, a kluge to copy from pointers to objects for the CGame class. I went through a bit of hoop-jumping and pointer manipulation and massaging before settling on this to extract pointer data members to copy to temporary objects. (But then I do not know the complete ins-and-outs of C++.) Much like the operator=() function the only difference is that there is no need to return the object to which this reffers;
void setGame(CGame* aGame);
void setGame(const CGame* aGame); // overloaded to copy-from this
If this is NOT equal the address of aGame (&aGame)then
Copy aGame's data members.

For each element in array, copy aGame->array[element]

Note: that there is NO data validation. While this can be added, it might be better to do that in a separate step.

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