
The Singleton: One More Time

What was the bit from the Highlander series? "There can be only one!"

The Singleton pattern enforces this idea. Hiding the details of creating the object from the calling class, a Singleton object forces the caller to access its functionality through a specialized interface. One advantage of this approach is that the caller will not need to track multiple objects over different calling objects.

While, supposedly, a Singleton object in C++ can be constructed in the manner as those in Java, I will be using a point to implement Singleton objects. The only disadvantage is that the user must manage the destruction of the object, and not depend on the scope of the Singleton.

Header File:

class Singleton

     static Singleton *instance;

     static Singleton* getInstance(void);
     static void Release(void);


#include "Singleton.h"

Singleton* Singleton::instance=NULL;

     //do stuff here

     // clean up

Singleton* Singleton::getInstance(void)
     if(instance == NULL){
          instance = new Singleton();

     return instance;

void Singleton::Release(void)
     if(instance != NULL){
          delete instance;
          instance = NULL;

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